Opening Compaq Armada M300
Manuals: For more information, see the Armada M300
User Reference Guide (2MB),
Maintenance and Service Guide (1.9MB), and
QuickSpecs (130kB),
I found these on this interesting website.
These instructions are based on Georg Acher's instructions
If you want to remove the keyboard only (e.g. add memory):
point 1 and 4, and you may want to check the
User Reference Guide
(chapter 4). The M300 has 64MB installed permanently, and can hold one
dimm module of 256MB maximum. Please make sure that the memory block
is compatible with Compaq. Compaq always has been very picky about memory.
If you want to disassemble the entire notebook, please consult the
Maintenance and Service Guide
in addition to these instructions. That guide also includes troubleshooting
and diagnostics instructions.
Only attempt this if you are skilled in handling sensitive
devices. Opening this laptop is not difficult, but it is a complex
device that is easy to damage.
Opening the armada requires three screwdrivers:
phillips no 0, flat 3mm, and torx T8.
- Shutdown computer. Remove all cables, battery, etc.
Ensure that you are electrically discharged.
- Turn it upside down. You can remove the HD bracket on the
left-front (now right) by removing the phillips screw at the
corner, pulling up the loose half of the cover, and sliding
the bracket out sideways.
- Remove all TORX-screws on the bottom and on the back (where the
VGA connector is, there are 10 screws). If you like, you can remove
the lid on the modem, and pop-out the modem by removing the one
screw holding it (it has a connector on the back-side).
Turn it back.
- Now you have to "pop up" the keyboard by pressing
the three notches at the top of the keyboard. Put a small
screwdriver between the rim of the keyboard and the notch and
gently press the handle/notch backwards.
- After taking out the keyboard, remove
the ribbon cable from the PCB by sliding the brown part of the
plug on the PCB to the front.
- Open the display
by 180 degrees, making the entire system flat. Now you can remove the
panel with the LEDs and the hot keys. Lift the panel at the back by
inserting a small screwdriver in the joint between the display and
the panel.
- Unplug the three connectors to the display running in the joints
(one video data, one microphone and one backlight. Then you can
remove the 2*2 screws that hold the display on the bottom case.
Remove the small ribbon cable to the touch pad (right above the
touchpad), the principle is the same as for the keyboard. This
connector has no clamping mechanism like the keyboard (my
- After that you can remove the top cover. Loosten it carefully,
and start lifting from the front. There is one notch on the
top-cover, just under the metal Compaq-label on the lid/display
(left of the touch-panel).
The entire system is now accessable.
Assembling is just the reverse way, the only hard bit is
fiddling back the touch panel connector into the plug. The
remaining stuff is quite easy.
email: f_vanwestrenen @ umantec . nl
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